Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm getting ready to run out of town for a couple of days, so wanted to make a quick post before I go.

As promised, here are yet another pair of socks. These are for A. When I was knitting my "happy rainbow" socks, she kept asking me "Are those for me?" and later it was "When are you going to make my happy rainbow socks?'. How is a mother to refuse?

Stats: basically the same as for this pair of socks, only smaller.

I may have mentioned this before, but I think she may have a future as a sock model. All of these poses are all her. I love that she is little enough that not only does she not think it is weird that I take pictures of her feet, she actually likes to participate.

One more, just for fun. Of course, there were half a dozen more, but how many pictures of a plain pair of socks would anyone want to see?

I also finished this hat in the past week. It is destined to be a chemo cap which will be donated to a local charity.
Pattern: A combo of the "Robin's Egg Blue" hat and the "Cashmere Beanie" hat, Yarn" Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky

These are both fun, very easy patterns. I wanted to knit something a little different than the normal beanie I knit for charity. It looks super cute on, but I have decided to spare both my husband and the rest of the world from seeing pictures of him modeling it.

I'm now going to go back to my crazy trip prep. Be back in a few days.

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